.@JeremyCorbyn is now a working class #BAME (fe)male in a middle class white skin @UKLabour???

Corbyn loyalist claims Labour leader suffers “abuse reserved for black people” from enemies out to “destroy him” …
If you are born white, male and into an affluent middle class family, living in Wiltshire, then you have won the lottery of life in the United Kingdom, if not the world …
Such was Jeremy Corbyn, born on the 26th May, 1949 in Chippenham and brought up in nearby Kington St Michael in Wiltshire.

“It’s quite surprising to discover that I am not old enough or posh enough to be the front-runner of this current leadership election,” joked Harriet Harman, a Harley Street surgeon’s daughter and St Paul’s Girls’ School Alumna, shortly before handing the mantle of Labour leader to Jeremy Corbyn.

And, indeed, at 68, Corbyn is a year older than Harman.  But posher?  He is no champagne socialist (he barely drinks), and while he is MP for Islington North, which includes the grand Georgian houses overlooking Highbury Fields, he is hardly a member of the Blairite Islington Mafia.  If Harman is solidly metropolitan upper middle, Corbyn’s poshness is harder to discern.  “Or perhaps it’s heavily disguised,” says one who knows him, “because he certainly wouldn’t see himself as posh.”

Corbyn’s parents changed “Manor” to “House” to downgrade its grandness

But hold on, he is called Jeremy.  His childhood nickname was ‘Jelly’ (his brother Andrew was “Dumbo”).  Another brother, an astrophysicist and meteorologist, is called Piers.  And the children grew up in bucolic bliss, first in the village of Kington St Michael, in Wiltshire, and then at Yew Tree Manor in Chetwynd Aston, a hamlet on the Herefordshire/Shropshire border, a pretty red Georgian property that was once part of the Duke of Sunderland’s estate.

Corbyn’s parents changed “Manor” to “House” to downgrade its grandness, a move reversed by the current owner, a retired solicitor.

Yew Tree Manor

Last week, there were rabbits bouncing across the lawn, a cockerel strutting under the copper beech, magnolia and wisteria in bloom.  The rambling outbuildings are older than the wood-panelled manor, but the Corbyn boys could romp everywhere and fish and play bicycle polo with hockey sticks.  “Jelly” built a sundial in one of the outbuildings and put it up in the garden.  Every morning in term-time, their mother, Naomi, drove them up the road to Castle House prep school, a private school.

According to Rosa Prince, Corbyn’s biographer, it was a “thoroughly upper-middle-class, scruffy country upbringing”.  His father, David, was an electrical engineer, and Naomi studied science at London University in the Thirties, when women made up only 27 per cent of students.  They saw themselves as left-wing intellectuals (the house was “full of books”, says one school friend), and their backgrounds were in law and surveying.

Orwell has not troubled Corbyn’s mind

Ma and Pa Corbyn gave Jeremy, on his 16th birthday, a set of the complete works of George Orwell.  I am convinced they remain in mint condition, unread.  Nothing about Corbyn’s intellectual outpourings suggests his mind has been troubled by the wit, the wisdom and the thought provoking observations and insight of George Orwell.

Orwell has not troubled Corbyn’s mind, but the Corbyns of the early 1930s, led by their principled, working class leader, George Lansbury, troubled Orwell greatly.

I refer you, dear reader, to the second half of George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier and, in particular, this caricature of the membership of the Labour Party of the 1930s …


“lived in the big house and went to a posh school with a posh uniform”

In outlook, Corbyn’s parents were like the Webbs, Beatrice and Sidney, who helped found the London School of Economics, the New Statesman and the Fabian Society.  David Corbyn worked a lot in the Soviet Union and even tried to learn Russian, “but it was too hard”

Nonetheless, Jeremy’s less well-off childhood friends remember him as “the boy who lived in the big house and went to a posh school with a posh uniform”.

One has visions of Ma Corbyn visiting the poor in their hovels; dispensing homespun wisdom to the other ranks; distributing home made conserves and apple jam to the lower orders.  A sort of Socialist officer class take on noblesse oblige.

By 1967, the working class had risen, according to the Scouse git on the tv

Today, at the drop of a hat, Jeremy condescends and patronises the other ranks, without even breaking into a sweat.  He expects them to be happy with a few extra quid an hour on the National Living Wage; a diminishing chance of renting a Council house (thanks to the Brexit for which Corbyn campaigned for forty years) and, at best, a crack at an NVQ3.

By 1967, the working class had risen, according to the Scouse git on Till Death Do Us Part.  Somehow,  I do not imagine Ma Corbyn would have approved of all the swearing so it seems highly unlikely that Corbyn, during his grammar school years, was ever aware of that carefully drawn archetype of a working class Tory (yes, Jeremy, they do exist) that is Alf Garnett.

Jeremy was always different from the other boys, even at school

During a talk at the Edinburgh Festival in 2017 Corbyn spoke about his school days, remembering how his posh grammar school was divided between the better-off children who went out shooting birds at the weekends and those who did the beating of the birds, while he did neither.  One feels that Corbyn has always been a bit of a prig.

Adams’ Grammar School is a grammar school for boys, located in Newport, Shropshire, offering day and boarding education. It was founded in 1656 by William Adams, a wealthy member of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers.

In an interview with ITV on 15th May 2017, Jeremy Corbyn reflected on a “wonderful” and “very liberal” upbringing in Shropshire, but revealed his discomfort at attending a private prep school and then a very posh grammar school.

He said he did not like his grammar school, “because of its selectivity” and “aspects of implicit privilege that all the boys that went there were taught”.  In no way, of course, did that sense of implicit privilege infect Corbyn.

Dictum meum pactum

Corbyn does, however, have a tendency to become irritated during interviews, especially when asked to clarify an answer that he has just given.  A trait he shares with Nigel Farage, who also went to an all boys’ secondary school, Dulwich College.

One might almost think that as members of the officer class they expect not to be contradicted or cross questioned.  Dictum meum pactum, as Nigel’s former colleagues in the City of London might say, and that should be more than enough for the other ranks.

Left Adams’ with two Es at A Level, then went on to teach in Jamaica …

Instead of going to university, Corbyn signed up with Voluntary Service Overseas (later the gap-year choice of Sloanes) for a two year gap year and, despite being a grammar school failure who left Adams’ with two Es at A Level, went to teach in Jamaica, which was then just emerging from its colonial past.  He has said that it was a profoundly moving experience, and the exposure to the real hardships of poverty shaped his politics.

Corbyn did enrol on a college degree course on his return from Jamaica, but dropped out after two terms.  He then had a number of jobs as a trades union official, never as a shop steward, became an Islington Councillor at 25 and at 33 was nominated to be a Labour candidate in a safe Labour seat.

Corbyn first contested his Islington seat at the 1983 General Election and unsurprisingly won it for Labour.  He did, however, get a lower proportion of the vote than his predecessor had received in 1979.

Jeremy Corbyn has been an MP for 34 years now, half of his life, in fact.

Not wealthy because of “where I put the money”

Corbyn also said, during that ITV interview, that despite earning a salary of more than £138,000, he was, he insisted not wealthy because of “where I put the money”, although he refused to elaborate on that.

“I consider myself adequately paid, very adequately paid for what I do.  What I do with it is a different matter,” he said.

“I consider myself well paid for what I do and I am wanting to say to everyone who’s well off, make your contribution to our society.”

When pressed on whether he considers himself wealthy, he said: “No, I’m not wealthy because of where I put the money, but I’m not going into that.”

Jeremy does a lot for charity, but he does not like to talk about it?

Nepotism, a discriminatory practice by any other name would smell as rank

Corbyn’s son, Seb, also went to grammar school and then on to Cambridge.  On graduation, Seb went to work for Uncle John, his dad’s best mate, John McDonnell.

Seb has never had a job that his dad has not arranged for him.

Corbyn loyalist claims Labour leader suffers “abuse reserved for black people” from enemies out to “destroy him” …

A middle class white man, who, by his own words, was born into affluence and privilege, is experiencing the same sort of abuse that someone from an ethnic minority background may well have had to endure since they first comprehended racism?

Shadow Minister Kate Osamor has said, Corbyn’s Left-wing allies had to “get dirty and ugly” to hit back at “brutal” Labour enemies out to destroy him.

It was shocking that a “‘white man” had been treated so badly, she said and harder to counter than attacks routinely dealt out to “a man of colour” by “the system”.

Would that be the same class system from which Jeremy Corbyn has benefited greatly all his life?

Urgent action needed to secure the Labour leader’s control of the party

Osamor called for urgent action to secure the Labour leader’s control of the party over moderate rebels when she addressed a rally in London on Friday 17th November.

Acknowledging her remark would stir controversy, Osamor said, “I couldn’t believe that, and I’m going to say this, as a white man, he’s been treated the way he has been treated.”

“If he was a man of colour, the way the system has attacked people of colour, I would have accepted that and said, “This is what happens.” I know how to defend that person.”

“But for someone like Jeremy to be attacked in the way he was, it was brutal.”

Corbyn insisted he does not condone or authorise the abuse of any politicians

The Labour leader has, in the past, insisted he does not condone or authorise the abuse of any politicians.

But in an interview in July 2016, he said, “I know that I have received more abuse than I ever used to.  But then maybe I’m better known these days.  But I receive more abuse than anybody else.  The best way of dealing with abuse is: ignore it.”

There you go Osamor, Jeremy Corbyn empathises so much with people on the receiving end of abuse that he suggests they should just grow a pair.

Corbyn a real life David Brent?

In 1970s blokey parlance, Corbyn thinks the best way for dealing with abuse is to grow a pair.

Meanwhile, in 2017, responsible employers do not tell their staff, male or female, that the best way to deal with abuse, physical or verbal, is to ignore it.  Instead they urge their staff to report instances of such abuse to their manager so the appropriate action may be taken.

If Corbyn wants to play the victim card then that is a matter for him, but it is not a practice that any well run organisation, considerate of their staff, would encourage.  In fact, they would discourage it so as to deter further instances of abuse that might affect other members of staff.

Corbyn could give David Brent lessons in poor people management.

“No one has threatened to rape Jeremy Corbyn, have they?”

Corbyn angered a number of MPs when, on another occasion, he said that he too had suffered personal abuse.

“No one has threatened to rape Jeremy Corbyn, have they?” one MP asked HuffPost UK.

Corbyn tacitly endorsed the bullying and intimidation of Labour staff

On Wednesday 13th July 2016, Corbyn tacitly endorsed the bullying and intimidation of Labour staff, both women and BAME, by voting against the proposal for a secret ballot at the NEC meeting that day.

Johanna Baxter, a trade union official and a representative of constituency parties on Labour’s National Executive Committee, said she had never criticised Corbyn since his election victory and generally avoided speaking to the press but called the NEC meeting “an utter disgrace to our movement”.

Focusing on the debate over whether to hold a secret ballot on allowing Corbyn on to the leadership ballot, Baxter said the Labour leader’s supporters opposed allowing a secret ballot, though they were eventually outnumbered by the rest of the committee.

“The leader of the Labour party voted against the proposal that we conduct our vote in private in order to protect NEC members who were receiving threats, bullying and intimidation.  He voted against it.  He endorsed bullying, threats and intimidation, by the fact of that vote.”

“The only reason to vote against that is so the intimidation can continue.  It’s the most shameful act I have ever seen.  He showed his true colours in that vote.  I have had people tweet and post my personal mobile online, directing people to me, directing their mob at me.”

Jeremy can’t be held to account for everyone in the world

“They just say: ‘Oh it’s nothing to do with us, Jeremy can’t be held to account for everyone in the world.’ I’m sorry, but he endorsed it,” she said.”

Jeremy Corbyn was sent the following letter just over a week later:

On 29th July Corbyn responded to the above letter, not in writing, but after being prompted to do so by the media.

Corbyn reiterated his “condemnation of all abuse”, called for a kinder politics

Corbyn said he had responded in a public statement, and reiterated his “condemnation of all abuse” and called for a kinder politics.  Take note, Osamor?

Corbyn’s letter also defended the fact that he had not wanted a secret ballot during a Labour NEC meeting, which was to decide whether he could automatically stand in the leadership election.  He said he opposed it on grounds of “lack of precedent and perceptions of accountability” and said transparency was important.

John McDonnell was once opposed to trades unions holding secret ballots

Back in the day, John McDonnell was opposed to trades unions holding secret ballots on the grounds every member taking part in a vote should know how each other member had voted.  The ‘good old days’ of car park ballots with a show of hands, intimidation, chap next to you holding your hand up for you and similar.

Unsurprisingly, Osamor, such practices tend to be biased against women and BAME folk.

It is very hard to see how Osamor and Corbyn can claim Corbyn is a victim of abuse or harassment in the way or to the level that it is experienced by anyone, who is not an elderly, affluent white male from a very middle class background.

Jeremy Corbyn did not die in Wiltshire for the sins of the working class

Jeremy Corbyn and his disciples may think he suffered for the sins of the working class, the dispossessed (of Glastonbury!) and all those at a disadvantage in our society, whilst he endured the hard life of a middle class white boy in Chetwynd Aston …

They may think Corbyn rose as the saviour of the downtrodden in Islington and that he is now on the road to Calvary that ends at Number 10 and public crucifixion in Downing Street.

Jeremy Corbyn is not a woman, BAME, working class, disabled, gay …

They may think that, it may be true, but it does not make Jeremy Corbyn a woman, BAME, working class, disabled, gay …

To quote Aneurin Bevan, “Damn it all, you can’t have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver.”

Jeremy Corbyn cannot be Labour leader, possibly a Prime Minister, and also be a martyr for the cause.

If Jeremy Corbyn is unable to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, the insolence of Office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes, whilst he is Labour leader then he is unfit to lead the party and, by extension, become the next Labour Prime Minister.

Has Corbyn really lived the life of a Lammy or a Lewis?

Is Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party, because he is a talented, hard working, insightful leader and skilled orator, who has done much for society in his long, well paid political career?

Or because he is a rather unremarkable, awfully mediocre male, who was born into an affluent, white middle class family in 1949?

.@PeoplesMomentum SS call for Trump style loyalty oath to @UKLabour Leader @JeremyCorbyn


FBI says that pledging loyalty oaths “leads to tyranny” after Trump asked for such a pledge during a dinner …

As they ate, the President and Mr. Comey made small talk about the election and the crowd sizes at Mr. Trump’s rallies.  The president then turned the conversation to whether Mr. Comey would pledge his loyalty to him.

Mr. Comey declined to make that pledge.  Instead, Mr. Comey has recounted to others, he told Mr. Trump that he would always be honest with him, but that he was not “reliable” in the conventional political sense.

FBI says that pledging loyalty oaths “leads to tyranny”

Donald Trump dismissed comparisons of his use of loyalty oaths during recent campaign rallies to Nazi Germany and other dark chapters of history on Tuesday as “ridiculous.”

Trump defends loyalty oaths: “We’re having such a great time”

Peoples Momentum SS Require Loyalty Oath to Labour Fuehrer, Corbyn

.@JeremyCorbyn’s @UKLabour has repeatedly and publicly stated that it won’t in Government be able to afford to end @Conservatives #Austerity of the benefits freeze & benefit cap …

The Labour Party accuse the Tories of using the announcement of the Royal Engagement as cover for sneaking out bad news on the benefits freeze …
That would be the same Labour Party that on the Friday before the August Bank Holiday weekend sneaked out its own announcement that, in Government, it was going to maintain, indefinitely, the benefits freeze?

Debbie Abrahams, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, said it showed the prime minister has “failed to make good on her promise to help those struggling to get by, at a time when Britain is facing an unprecedented two lost decades of earnings growth”.

“By continuing to freeze working-age benefits when inflation is soaring, the government is subjecting 10.5 million households to an average cut of £450 a year,” she said.

“The government should end the freeze on social security to support those with the least in our society and lift people out of poverty.”

On a number of occasions during the 2017 General Election Campaign both Emily Thornberry and Barry Gardiner said that Labour in Government would not be able to afford to end the benefits freeze and the benefit cap.

Thornberry and Gardiner are, like Debbie Abrahams, members of Labour’s Shadow Cabinet.  They were all appointed by Jeremy Corbyn.

The same Jeremy Corbyn who, it appears, had not read the Labour Manifesto that he enthusiastically endorsed during the General Election Campaign:

Does Debbie Abrahams share Jeremy Corbyn’s commitment to understand the perverse effects of the benefit cap?

On the Friday before the August 2017 Bank Holiday Weekend, Labour slipped out a statement, in Jeremy Corbyn’s name and in his own words, stating that:

“Labour will take a different approach to our social security system, which under the Tories is failing our pensioners, the working poor, and disabled people,” Corbyn is expected to say.

“We will lift the freeze on social security, using part of the billions we set aside for reform in our costed manifesto, by recycling social security savings made by introducing a real living wage of £10 an hour, and by building the affordable homes we need,” Corbyn is expected to say at a rally in Coatbridge in Glasgow.

People, like Jeremy Corbyn, used to mock Gordon Brown for using the phrase “when resources allow”.

Let us unpack those two paragraphs.

Firstly, how has our Social Security system failed most pensioners?  Labour does plan to maintain, come what may, the (State) Pension Triple Lock.  The Pension Triple Lock that benefits the most the majority of pensioners, who are all doing very nicely as Jeremy Corbyn well knows:

Secondly, “we will lift the freeze on social security … by recycling social security savings made by introducing a real living wage of £10 an hour, and by building the affordable homes …”.  The benefits freeze will not end until savings are made elsewhere in the Social Security budget:

The largest amount of the Social Security budget is spent on pensioners.  They receive the State Pension and Pension Credit as well as a proportion of almost all the other categories of benefit apart from Jobseeker’s Allowance.

The benefits freeze will not end until resources allow actually means until that element of the Social Security budget not spent on pensioners is squeezed as much, if not more than the Conservatives are doing now.

The ongoing pain and misery of Conservative austerity, but with an inane grin and a beardy weirdie saying he really understands the perverse effects of the benefit cap, has surely got to be worth it to enact universal free university tuition for mostly white, mostly middle and upper class youth, has it not?

To enact universal free university tuition not when resources allow, but as Jeremy Corbyn’s first act on Labour’s first full day in Government.

Child poverty will rise, not incidentally or accidentally, under Jeremy Corbyn


Does @JeremyCorbyn still feel @UKLabour there are positives to #BREXIT/#LEXIT? Part Twenty


The Good Housekeeping meal comprises a whole turkey, potatoes, sprouts, carrots, parsnips, stuffing mix, jar of cranberry sauce, Christmas pudding and cake, mince pies and a jar of brandy butter. Photograph: David Davies/PA

UK’s cheapest Christmas dinner will cost 18% more than last year …
Inflation and Brexit-hit pound reflected in annual survey, which found Lidl cheapest supermarket at £25.53 for eight people …

The UK’s cheapest supermarket Christmas dinner will cost 18% more than it did last year, as the impact of inflation and Brexit-related commodity costs makes its way to the festive family table.

The annual yuletide food survey by Good Housekeeping magazine found that the cost of the cheapest set-piece meal on Christmas Day – for 8 people and including 11 ingredients from turkey to fresh vegetables and cranberry sauce – had risen from £19.82 to £23.53, or from £2.48 a head to £2.94.

The Good Housekeeping basket comprises of a whole turkey weighing at least 3.5kg, at least 880g each of potatoes, sprouts, carrots and parsnips; stuffing mix; a jar of cranberry sauce; at least 900g of Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, at least eight mince pies and a jar of brandy butter.

Nine of the 11 cheapest items cost more than last year, including turkey, which is now £8.99 from last year’s £8, and sage and onion stuffing mix, which has increased from 30p to 34p. Good Housekeeping said the increased cost was due to the pound’s fall since last year’s referendum, which has pushed up the cost of food imports, and an inflation rate that has hit 3%.

“There’s been a significant rise in food prices across the board over the last year as a result of the weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote. Add to this inflation being stuck at a five-year high, and it’s no surprise to see the Christmas grocery bill has increased too,” said Caroline Bloor, Good Housekeeping’s consumer director.

Overall, Lidl and Aldi have again trounced the competition, emerging as the cheapest supermarkets when it comes to the entire list on one place, with dinner for eight coming in at £25.53 and £25.68 respectively.

Food prices generally had been tumbling in recent years as all the big supermarkets have had to react to the rise of the German discounters with aggressive price cutting. But the baskets from nine of the 10 supermarkets are more expensive than last year, with Aldi, Morrisons and Iceland all increasing their prices by more than 13%. Marks & Spencer is the only supermarket whose basket is cheaper, 20% less at £38.43, but still the second priciest. The most expensive overall was Waitrose’s at £41.47.

Christmas Meal2

Guardian graphic | Source: Good Housekeeping

Kay Neufeld, an economist at economics consultancy the Cebr, said:“Prices have been on the rise since the EU referendum last year with inflation projected to peak just before Christmas. Due to intense competition between supermarkets in the UK, the cost of food had been falling for much of 2015 and 2016. However, as the UK imports over half of its food the depreciation of sterling inevitably feeds through into higher prices at the till. UK households will be relieved to know that inflationary pressures are expected to subside over 2018.”

New data published this month by the Office for National Statistics showed food prices in October were up by 4.2% on 12 months earlier, a sharp rise on the 0.6% increase the previous year. The October increase was the highest since 2013 and prompted the British Retail Consortium to warn that consumers face the prospect of an expensive Christmas dinner this year.

Among the sharpest price increases was an 8.5% rise in the price of fish, with vegetables up 5.7%, fats and oils up 5.6%, and milk, cheese and eggs up 4.8%.

UK’s cheapest Christmas dinner will cost 18% more than last year

You shouldn’t expect women or working class or #BAME @JeremyCorbyn to vote @UKLabour

It makes Nimco Ali livid that the Labour Party assumes black people must support it …

It makes me angry that the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn thinks it owns the rights to the votes of the working class …

“I did not need Jeremy Corybn to unlock my talent in order to get three law degrees and I am not waiting for him and his band of Lefty loons to set me free …

Apart from the London mayoral elections, I have never voted Tory, but I know many black and brown people who have.  My beautiful younger brother is one such person.  Not only is Mohammed a proud Tory, but he is also the chair and founder of the Somali Conservatives and will be standing for the party in 2018 local elections.

So when a 2010 blog by Kensington Labour MP Emma Dent Coad surfaced, referring to Shaun Bailey a “token ghetto boy”, I took offence.  No, actually I was livid.  Like my brother, Shaun is black and a Tory.  My brother and many of those I love and respect, who are proud Conservative members, are not tokens.  They are brave, bright people who have chosen to vote for and back a party they believe in.  They also want to help  it change.

As a child, Mohammed, like me, saw our grandfather dragged out of his bed in Hargeisa, now the capital of Somaliland, in the middle of the night for speaking out against a dictator.  As a result of this and the civil war my family were forced to flee.

Something like that shapes your life.  For my family it meant we became very political and some of us joined political parties.

None is perfect — I am a member of the Women’s Equality Party — but there is a prevalent idea that Labour owns black and minority ethnic (BAME) people, which I reject.  That was the undertone of Dent Coad’s statement, and a toxic reminder of why Labour has lost me and many of my peers.

To me, the Labour Party is all talk and no action.  I get trolled by its members and I have even been blocked on Twitter by members of the shadow cabinet — I think because I work with Tory MPs to end female genital mutilation.

Many on the Left still believe that FGM is a cultural issue and that we should be “talking” to abusers and prefer to “respect” differences rather than saving girls like me.

One senior Labour figure once told me they would have to see “how it plays out with the mosques” when I asked him to back me in my fight.

During my campaigning on FGM I have been open to working with anyone in power, but in my experience the Labour Party has shown little interest, while those in the Conservative Party have been quick to respond.

From David Cameron to the current Prime Minister, Conservative politicians have demonstrated that they care about ending FGM.  For me and 200 million women across the world who have been cut this is crucial.

Today there is a real possibility that FGM can and will end within our lifetime and that is thanks to some very white and posh men who saw me and listened.

As Kemi Badenoch — a rising star and very black Tory MP — said, the attitude that black people cannot be Tories “traps many black children within imaginary boundaries they believe they aren’t allowed to cross.  They end up living less than the very best lives they can.”

Seeing MPs such as Badenoch and James Cleverly in the House of Commons means that my niece and little cousins can see people like themselves in positions of power.

The BAME population of this great country is diverse, and as such, we have the constitutionally-given right to join and support whichever party we wish.  Dent Coad and her party would do well to remember that.

I did not need Jeremy Corybn to unlock my talent in order to get three law degrees and I am not waiting for him and his band of Lefty loons to set me free.”

It makes me livid that the Labour Party assumes black people must support it
I’m not a ‘token ghetto boy’, says Shaun Bailey, I want to be the PM

Momentum’s Code Of Ethics: a translation


The Gerasites

By Jake Wilde

The original text is in bold and my translation of what they really mean is in italics.

Individuals and groups using the Momentum name and branding must operate according to the following principles at all times:

It’s important to ensure that there’s an opt-out if needed. When someone holds an official role in an organisation that confers status upon them, but they’re either writing or speaking about a subject that the organisation would not authorise them to write or speak about, there’s an old trick to pull. This is to use the words “in a personal capacity” after their name, the office they hold and the organisation they hold it in. Sometimes the “in a personal capacity” is in microscopic font, abbreviated to “PC” or only ever mentioned in the flyer for the event, and not when introducing the individual at the event. So, for example, when a…

View original post 1,020 more words

.@PeoplesMomentum SS Require Loyalty Oath to @UKLabour Fuehrer, @JeremyCorbyn


I will render unconditional obedience. to the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht, and, as a brave soldier, I will be ready at any time to stake my life for this oath.

German Military Oaths

Momentum loyalty test planned (on 25th November) for would-be Labour MPs

Contenders asked to sign contract to back Corbyn’s objectives and party manifesto to win group’s support.

Corbyn (on 5th November) pledges to make a stand on ‘degrading’ abuse culture

Labour leader will acknowledge party’s past failings and call for “moment of real change“.

And, should you think the German military were the only group in Nazi Germany to take an oath to the Fuehrer then think again …

Service oath for civil and public servants

“I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God.”

Everything You Wanted To Know About Improving Productivity, @JohnMcDonnellMP, But Were Afraid To Ask …

The lead actor in the production to improve productivity in any workforce is the employer of the aforementioned workforce not the Government …
Except where the Government is an employer.

I was recently asked for my view on the first response from Dorkins to The Economist: The Productivity Puzzle:

“I don’t get what the huge productivity mystery is supposed to be. The UK is a country in which productive work is not really rewarded due to the system of rents (high near employment centres) and taxes (mostly raised from labour). Many people quite sensibly respond to this by avoiding heavily taxed productive work as much as possible (e.g. doing the minimum number of hours required to qualify for tax credits) and instead focus their efforts on extracting rents from other people (e.g. arranging their living arrangements to maximise benefit and tax credit income, becoming BTL landlords).

Maybe if there was some kind of reward for productive work (higher net income, better standard of living, ability to buy secure housing) then people would do more of it?”

The neo-liberal fallacy in a nutshell?  The assumption that people act like calculating machines, 24/7, and so make such fine (selfish?) calculations at each and every opportunity.

Incidentally, if this year I earn £20,000 gross and £18,000 net and you cut my taxes next year so I net £19,000 for working no harder, why should I work any harder than I do now?  I am £1,000 better off without working my fingers any further to the bone.  Neo-liberal argument hoist by its own petard?

Poor productivity in the UK economy, as measured as at national level, is most likely to be down to ongoing poor investment in research and development, capital and labour.  Deming, amongst others observed, that most workers only have control over about 10% of their workload and so their productivity is not within their capacity to improve, except very marginally.

British management, which notoriously cuts investment in capital and labour (and advertising), research and development, at the first sign of a downturn in the economy, has the major responsibility for the poor productivity of its staff.  And in 2008, and thereafter, it yet again cut significantly its investment in staff training.  You reap what you sow.

Real world economics has a tendency to trump neo-liberal theory every time, perhaps because it studies the real world and then theorises rather than trying to impose its (politically motivated) theories on the real world?  In this instance, it helps if one understands what economists mean by productivity:

“An economic measure of output per unit of input.  Inputs include labor and capital, while output is typically measured in revenues and other GDP components such as business inventories.  Productivity measures may be examined collectively (across the whole economy) or viewed industry by industry to examine trends in labor growth, wage levels and technological improvement.

Productivity gains are vital to the economy because they allow us to accomplish more with less.  Capital and labor are both scarce resources, so maximizing their impact is always a core concern of modern business.  Productivity enhancements come from technology advances, such as computers and the Internet, supply chain and logistics improvements, and increased skill levels within the workforce.”

Read more at: Productivity

You will notice that working harder and/or longer hours do not figure in the above!  Neither does increasing the number of entrepreneurs as that might actually reduce productivity averaged out across the economy.

Improving productivity is about working smarter not becoming a latter day Stakhanovite.