Why did #Corbyn bother becoming #Labour Leader if not to end benefits freeze on Day One in Government?

Jeremy Corbyn pledges Labour to end benefits freeze, when resources allow …Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour in Government, under Corbyn, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour in Government, under Corbyn, said it would not be able afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Corbyn is saying now that when savings are made in the Social Security budget then, and only then, will the benefits freeze be ended.

Corbyn is expecting savings to eventually occur through the introduction of a real living wage of £10 an hour and by the building of affordable homes.

In the mean time, as rising inflation continues to erode their income, those on benefit, for example lone parents, must just grin and bear it, Mr Corbyn?

Corbyn vows to end benefits freeze as part of war on “chaotic austerity agenda”

Corbyn has yet to pledge to scrap the benefits cap.

Had Kinnock or Smith or Blair or Brown or Miliband gone into a General Election not committed to ending the benefits freeze and scrapping the benefit cap then Corbyn and many of his most committed, vocal supporters would have been all over them like a rash.

And rightly so …

Why did #Corbyn become #Labour leader if he won’t end benefits freeze on Day One in Government?

Jeremy Corbyn pledges Labour to end benefits freeze, when resources allow …Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour in Government, under Corbyn, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour in Government, under Corbyn, said it would not be able afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Corbyn is saying now that when savings are made in the Social Security budget then, and only then, will the benefits freeze be ended.

Corbyn is expecting savings to eventually occur through the introduction of a real living wage of £10 an hour and by the building of affordable homes.

In the mean time, as rising inflation continues to erode their income, those on benefit, for example lone parents, must just grin and bear it, Mr Corbyn?

Corbyn vows to end benefits freeze as part of war on “chaotic austerity agenda”

Corbyn has yet to pledge to scrap the benefits cap.

Had Kinnock or Smith or Blair or Brown or Miliband gone into a General Election not committed to ending the benefits freeze and scrapping the benefit cap then Corbyn and many of his most committed, vocal supporters would have been all over them like a rash.

And rightly so …

Jeremy #Corbyn pledges #Labour to end the benefits freeze, if money becomes available …

Jeremy Corbyn pledges Labour to end benefits freeze, when resources allow …Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour in Government, under Corbyn, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour in Government, under Corbyn, said it would not be able afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Corbyn is saying now that when savings are made in the Social Security budget then, and only then, will the benefits freeze be ended.

Corbyn is expecting savings to eventually occur through the introduction of a real living wage of £10 an hour and by the building of affordable homes.

In the mean time, as rising inflation continues to erode their income, those on benefit, for example lone parents, must just grin and bear it, Mr Corbyn?

Corbyn vows to end benefits freeze as part of war on “chaotic austerity agenda”

Corbyn has yet to pledge to scrap the benefits cap.

Had Kinnock or Smith or Blair or Brown or Miliband gone into a General Election not committed to ending the benefits freeze and scrapping the benefit cap then Corbyn and many of his most committed, vocal supporters would have been all over them like a rash.

And rightly so …

Jeremy #Corbyn pledges #Labour to end the benefits freeze, if money becomes available …

Jeremy Corbyn pledges Labour to end benefits freeze, when resources allow …

Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour in Government, under Corbyn, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour in Government, under Corbyn, said it would not be able afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Corbyn is saying now that when savings are made in the Social Security budget then, and only then, will the benefits freeze be ended.

Corbyn is expecting savings to eventually occur through the introduction of a real living wage of £10 an hour and by the building of affordable homes.

In the mean time, as rising inflation continues to erode their income, those on benefit, for example lone parents, must just grin and bear it, Mr Corbyn?

Corbyn vows to end benefits freeze as part of war on “chaotic austerity agenda”

Corbyn has yet to pledge to scrap the benefits cap.

Had Kinnock or Smith or Blair or Brown or Miliband gone into a General Election not committed to ending the benefits freeze and scrapping the benefit cap then Corbyn and many of his most committed, vocal supporters would have been all over them like a rash.

And rightly so …

Laura Pidcock’s Alternate Timeline: London, May, 1940 …


Laura Pidcock may not befriend a Tory, but is friends with Trump and the Republican Party by one remove …

Pidcock Alternate Timeline, Number 10, Downing Street, London, May 1940

Major Clement Attlee MP, the Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, is conferring with Winston Churchill MP, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The two men are discussing how best to respond to the growing crisis across the Channel in France and the Low Countries.

Churchill, unloved by many of his fellow Tory MPs, is reaching out to men and women of good conscience, regardless of their politics, to come together to continue the fight against Nazi Germany.

Their conference is coming to a close ..

Attlee: “You’re a Tory, Winston. Did some things I didn’t like during the General Strike.  Sorry, but Labour won’t go into a Coalition with you.”

“I know Winston, but Pidcocks as yet unborn, will think me unprincipled if I join a Government, headed by a Tory, in this the hour of our country’s greatest need.”

“I’m sorry, but there it is.”

“Yes, I know I’m siding with Tories like Chamberlain and Halifax, fascists like Mosley and that fellow, whose name I can’t quite remember, who leads the SNP …”

“And I know you now have no option, but to seek terms from Herr Hitler and that might mean handing Malta, even India over to the Nazis.”

“Yes, I know the Nazis are our common enemy, but …”

Common Timeline, August 2017

Laura Pidcock regularly appears on RT, the Kremlin backed television station.  RT is funded by Vladimir Putin to spread propaganda on behalf of his authoritarian regime.

There is growing concern among Republican elites in the United States of America about the rising popularity of Putin among some conservatives.  The Republican Party’s leaders remain steadfastly opposed to Putin, and recently forced Trump to reluctantly pass new sanctions against Russia. But the rank-and-file’s stance appears to be softening; polls suggest that Putin’s favorability ratings among Republicans have steadily increased in recent years.

On issues including gun rights, terrorism and same-sex marriage, many leading advocates on the right who grew frustrated with their country’s leftward tilt under President Barack Obama have forged ties with well-connected Russians and come to see that country’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin, as a potential ally.

The Russian leader has rebranded himself a traditionalist during his third term, and his clampdown against what he calls “homosexual propaganda” in schools has been met with approval among some Christians in the US.

Roy Moore, the controversial former judge and a leading contender in Alabama’s Senate race, has said “maybe Putin is right” and “more akin to me than I know” given the Russian leader’s stance on gay marriage.

May be Laura Pidcock should be more thoughtful about appearing on RT in the future or else one might think she prefers fascists to Tories?

Where has the @PeoplesMomentum, @JeremyCorbyn’s own SS, Take Back Control Tour gone, @UKLabour?


Remember, kids, when Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum use the xenophobic, if not racist language of Nigel Farage, they are merely being ironic …

Take Back Control and how we aim to tackle division around Britain

Momentum Brexit tour slammed as ‘left-wing’ jamboree by Labour MP

When Corbyn uses the language of Farage about migrant construction workers, kids, he is not, in any way, pandering to the people at whom this poster was aimed:

Or this one …

Remember, kids, Jeremy Corbyn is all about straight talking, honest politics …

There is no spin, with Jeremy Corbyn!



Jeremy #Corbyn, lifelong opponent of #UK’s #EU membership, unveils new #Labour General Election posters …


“Jonathan Portes, the economist, said, “These statistics confirm that BREXIT is having a significant impact on migration flows, even before we have left the EU or any changes are made to law or policy.

“EU nationals, both those already here and those considering a move to the UK, are understandably concerned about their future status in the UK.  My earlier research suggested that Brexit was likely to lead to a large fall in EU migration to the UK, with a significant negative impact on the UK economy.” ”

“Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said, “Tory migration policy is a shambles.  Against all advice, Theresa May continues to insist in maintaining an arbitrary net migration target of under 100,000, which has never once been met.

Now it seems that her long-running campaign to malign international students is based on fantasy, with no evidence of a major issue with students overstaying.  Some in government appear to be waking up to the idea that overseas students make a valuable contribution to our country and have belatedly asked the Migration Advisory Committee to gather evidence.

Labour will offer fair rules and reasonable management of migration; prioritising jobs, growth and prosperity, not bogus net migration targets.” “

Laying out the case for leaving the single market, recently, Corbyn used language we have rarely heard from him, blaming immigration for harming the lives of British workers.  The Labour leader said that after leaving the EU, there would still be European workers in Britain and vice versa.  He added, “What there wouldn’t be is the wholesale importation of underpaid workers from central Europe in order to destroy conditions, particularly in the construction industry.”

There is no empirical evidence upon which Corbyn may base his assertion about migrant construction workers, but there is this ukip election poster:

Time for #Corbyn’s #Labour to apologise for seeking to perpetrate a fraud to win #GE2017?


Labour led by Jeremy Corbyn said it could not afford to end the benefits freeze and benefit cap, if it won the 2017 General Election:Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour under Corbyn, whom Owen Jones no less has hailed as a champion of anti-austerity, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, aged 18 and over, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour under Corbyn, whom the likes of Owen Jones, Abi Wilkinson and Zoe Williams, regularly say is the politician most concerned about the left behind, said it could not afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Jeremy Corbyn, that anti-austerity champion lauded to the skies by the likes of Ellie Mae O’Hagan, Maya Goodfellow and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, puts free university tuition for mostly middle and upper class youth before seriously tackling child poverty.

Why should the left behind vote for a Labour Party, Owen Jones, Abi Wilkinson, Zoe Williams, Ellie Mae O’Hagan, Maya Goodfellow and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, when its leader is nowhere near as anti-austerity as you claim?

In fact, Corbyn is more concerned about increasing the size of the middle class welfare state than he is in reversing actual cuts in Social Security that have borne down most on the poor, sick and needy.

Jeremy Corbyn now displays the behaviour of one of the stereotypical neo-liberals of his fans’ fevered imaginations.

Time for #Corbyn’s #Labour to apologise for seeking to perpetrate a fraud to win #GE2017?


Labour led by Jeremy Corbyn said it could not afford to end the benefits freeze and benefit cap, if it won the 2017 General Election:Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour under Corbyn, whom Owen Jones no less has hailed as a champion of anti-austerity, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour under Corbyn, whom the likes of Owen Jones, Abi Wilkinson and Zoe Williams, regularly says is the politician most concerned about the left behind, said it could not afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Jeremy Corbyn, that anti-austerity champion lauded to the skies by the likes of Ellie Mae O’Hagan, Maya Goodfellow and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, puts free university tuition for mostly middle and upper class youth before seriously tackling child poverty.

Why should the left behind vote for a Labour Party, Owen Jones, Abi Wilkinson, Zoe Williams, Ellie Mae O’Hagan, Maya Goodfellow and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, when its leader is nowhere near as anti-austerity as you claim?

In fact, Corbyn is more concerned about increasing the size of the middle class welfare state than he is in reversing actual cuts in Social Security that have borne down most on the poor, sick and needy.

Jeremy Corbyn now displays the behaviour of one of the stereotypical neo-liberals of his fans’ fevered imaginations.

Another day, another pile of ordure from Owen Jones on behalf of #Corbyn’s #Labour


Labour led by Jeremy Corbyn said it could not afford to end the benefits freeze and benefit cap, if it won the 2017 General Election:Labour’s General Election 2017 Manifesto, enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by Jeremy Corbyn, would have kept £7bn out of the £9bn of planned Tory Social Security cuts over which Iain Duncan Smith resigned.

Labour under Corbyn, whom Owen Jones has hailed as a champion of anti-austerity, would have left in place the benefit cap and the benefits freeze.

To put the benefits freeze into context, the basic rate of Income Support for a lone parent, over 18, has been frozen at £73.10 per week since April 2015.

There are currently 401,630 lone parents on Income Support in Great Britain.

Whilst Labour under Corbyn, whom Owen Jones regularly says is the politician most concerned about the left behind, said it could not afford to end the benefit cap and benefits freeze, it did say it would keep in place the Pension Triple Lock.

The Triple Lock guarantees all pensioners, regardless of income, at least a 2.5% increase in their State Pension, even if inflation is rising at less than 2.5%.

Jeremy Corbyn, that anti-austerity champion lauded to the skies by Owen Jones, puts free university tuition for mostly middle and upper class youth before seriously tackling child poverty.

Why should the left behind vote for a Labour Party, Owen Jones, when its leader is nowhere near as anti-austerity as you claim?

In fact, Corbyn is more concerned about increasing the size of the middle class welfare state than he is in reversing actual cuts in Social Security that have borne down most on the poor, sick and needy.

Jeremy Corbyn now displays the behaviour of one of the stereotypical neo-liberals of Owen Jones’ fevered imagination.