There are better ways for the UK Government to spend £200m, plus running costs, on promoting UK trade and industry …


“I appreciate that it’s not the purpose of your post, but the truth is that this project, if it ever comes to fruition, is the worst kind of Brexit tokenism.

Someone on Twitter has already made the good point that £200m would be far better spent on paying good annual salaries for a number of years to a team of experienced and capable trade negotiators, who would do far more good for our economy than this vanity project, which will no doubt end up costing far more than £200m anyway.

What a strange, bad, place the UK is sailing to!”

Christopher Duggan

“We are talking about a minimum of £200m to build the vessel and, heaven knows, how much for the running costs.

We might use some of that money, alongside what you propose, to beef up the skills and number of staff in our Embassies around the world dedicated to promoting UK trade and industry.

I gather there have been issues in the past with both the competence and capacity of the Diplomatic Service in that line of work.”

John Turner

Good point.

Christopher Duggan

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